Alright everyone, here's the story on Louisville's whore (Stacie K., can't put the whole name here for legal reasons).

It starts off great, somewhere around May I start talking to her, because her "best friend" gave her my s/n.  She seems pretty cool, no major issues.  We finally meet somewhere around the end of June/beginning of July.  Still seems normal.  Middle of July, we start going out.  Everything is great.  Fast forward to somewhere in the middle of September where I come home to this message

Whore: i think we should take a break or something

No reason, nothing, she just wants to "take a break."  I shake it off, since we're back together before the night's over.  She does this probably 5 more times, but it's always nothing major, we're back together within a day.  Fast forward a little more, a few weeks.  She goes to her one of her friends houses for a Halloween party.  She gets online and tells me she's going to go get stoned.  Before, she's told me that she's done it before, just not in a long time.  I talk to her best friend, and she's upset because Stacie's never done that before and she doesn't want her to get hurt.  So the next day I talk to her about it, and she sends me this email:

hey i just wanted to let u know .....I DIDNT GO TO A PARTY AND I WAS NEVER PLANNING ON IT!!!!. i just wanted to see what ur reaction would be ..i was thiking how much u guys were prolly worring bout me and on the way up to akron i was crying..........but i guess ill talk to u later

Looking back, I should have told her to fuck herself right then and there, that was the beginning of the major head games.  For some reason, I put up with it.  A couple more weeks, and I start to hear about "David" from some other people... They all said that David likes her, and they were doing some serious "talking."  I asked her about it, and she said that he gave her his phone number, and she wasn't interested in him.  Fast forward about 3 days, she pulls the shit of wanting to "take a break" again.  I finally decide I've had enough of her shit.  I'm not taking her back this time, too many other little lies that I've caught her in, too much shit.  She calls me the next day.  Big sob story, she's "got a lot of problems right now," shit like that.  Anyways, for some reason, I fall for it, but I want the truth on "David."  She tells me that she does like him, and she gave him her number.  I tell her that it's decision time, me or him.  She tells me that she would rather be with me, I treat her better, shit like that.  I don't hear anything more about him for a while.  Fast forward another week or so, and I'm at her house, trying to fix her computer for her.  One of my friends shows up, and we're BSing and working on the computer, all that good stuff.  The phone rings, her stepbrother says "it's David."  I nearly hit the roof, even though I didn't say anything.  She "accidentally hangs up on him."  I brush that one off, not thinking too much of it.  The next day, I stay home from school, and apparently comes in crying.  She tells some of her friends that her mom has been in a major car accident (by the way, this is 11/27/01, the anniversary of Ray's death, R.I.P.), and she's in the hospital in critical condition.  She tells some of her other friends, that she's crying because her dad says that me and her can't see each other anymore.  I talk to her that night, and she tells me that she never said anything about her mom being in a wreck.  I don't believe this one right off the bat, why would her friends that I don't even talk to ask me if I had heard anything more about her mom?  Also, I've heard from a couple people (and I'll go right to the source tomorrow), that she told Mr. Couto about it, and he had the whole class pray for her mom.  Now, after this whole stunt, I talk to my friends, and her friends, and my friends say that no matter what, I should tell her to go to hell, she knew how that would affect me on the 27th.  All of her friends say that they're sick of her lying bullshit lately, and that most of them are really pissed off at her for that little stunt, and all the other ones that she's pulled.  Everyone tells me that they're sick of seeing me being the "nice guy" (gotta plug this site for everyone to see, it couldn't possibly be more true: and getting dicked over by her her shit.  Everyone tells me that I should cut my losses and call it quits now. Of course, being stubborn ass me, I won't let it go, I always wanna fix everything.  So she sticks to her shit that her dad says we can't see each other, which doesn't fly, I had one of my friends drop her off, and my dad even dropped her off at home, and he never said a word.  Either way, the little bit that we do see each other for the next week or so is great, she's back to the old Stacie, and everything is fine.  I'm kinda wondering if all the talking to her that I did finally sunk in, or if something just snapped in her head, I don't really know.  But, she's happy, I'm happy, everything is great.  Fast forward to Dec 6th, she's in the best mood yet.  She tells me that she's got a "surprise" for me, and won't tell me what it is.  I'm thinking this is some dumb little girl thing or whatever, so I go along with it.  Going to study hall, she hands me a note.  She hasn't written me a note in a long time, so I'm kinda suspicious anyways.  I get into study hall, open it up, read it.  Essentially, it's a bunch of happy faces, hyperactive little phrases, just her being herself, and then at the end it says something about "I'm breaking up with you, sorry."  That's it.  No explanation, nothing like that.  Just a big "Fuck You."  So I'm pissed, I get home, break a few things to calm down, listen to some loud music, and when I'm calmed down a little bit, I call her.  She hangs up on me.  I call back about half an hour later.  Her "friend" picks up the phone, and she won't let me talk to Stacie.  They both manage to piss me off enough to call them both whore/bitches/any other derogatory term you can think of towards women, and I hang up.  Fast forward to that night, she's at her mom's house, and I start talking to her online.  At first, she's pissed, but after just a little while, we decide to "be friends."  That worked for about 2 seconds, and we were at each other's throats again.  Anyways, here I sit, 11pm on the 7th, and I'm still waiting for the "5th side of Canton Crips" to show up....didn't know Canton had 5 "sides."  Fuck her and everyone who looks like her.  I know this probably sounds like everything was horrible, and she was nothing but a pain in the ass, but that's my point of view after what she did Friday.  We did have a lot of good times, and I'd probably do it over again if I could cut out the last 2 months or so.  This is just a warning to anyone out there thinking about going out with someone named "Stacie K" from Louisville, if that's her name, get ahold of me and make sure that it's not the one that I'm talking about, because she's a whore.  This is just the main ideas, there is a lot more shit involved with it all, and I'll probably make another page of the "little stuff" that added to the bigger problem.  I'll probably put up another page of excerpts from our conversations too, just so you can see what she's really like.